The Not-So-Fast Development of AI-Generated Articles: A Peek Behind the Scenes

Martin Průcha, 18. 12. 2023

In recent years, the rise of AI-generated content has taken the blogosphere by storm. Companies of all sizes are turning to artificial intelligence to create articles quickly and efficiently. While the text generated by AI algorithms is often impressive and passable, the same cannot be said for the images accompanying these articles. It’s clear that graphic designers and photographers still have their place in the content creation world.

The Text is on Point, But the Images? Not So Much

AI has come a long way in understanding language and context. It can generate articles that read almost like they were written by a human. This capability has proven to be a game-changer for content marketers and bloggers who need to churn out high volumes of content in a short amount of time. However, when it comes to generating images, AI still has some catching up to do.
Unrealistic Images and Defective Compositions
One of the biggest challenges with AI-generated images is that they often appear unrealistic and lack the nuance that human designers and photographers bring to their work. The technology used to generate images relies heavily on existing datasets and patterns, which can lead to strange and sometimes amusing results.

How Did It Work Out for Us?

As we ventured into drafting our own website, we found ourselves in need of some generic images depicting IT professionals diligently working in an office setting. This was an interim solution until we could obtain actual photos of our own coworkers. So, we turned to ChatGPT with a request that seemed straightforward enough:
“Photo of a software developer working diligently at his workstation surrounded by multiple monitors displaying code, in a modern, well-lit open office space with glass partitions.”
Results? Laughing Stock, Not Photo-Stock (Pun Intended)
Unfortunately, what we received in response was far from what we had hoped for. Instead of polished, professional stock photos, we found ourselves with what could only be described as the “laughing stock” of the imagery world. These AI-generated images left much to be desired. Faces Turned to Monitors (Because You Can See the Code on the Other Side), unrealistic Faces and Dark Atmosphere (Does Software Mean Hacking?)
Just Unusable, Even as Filler for the Website Draft
In the end, these AI-generated images were simply unusable for our website, even as mere placeholders. They served as a stark reminder that while AI has made remarkable strides in certain aspects of content generation, it still has a long way to go in understanding the nuances and intricacies of visual storytelling.
The Importance of Human Creativity
So, yes, graphic designers and photographers will be still around and get their checks. They bring creativity, intuition, and a deep understanding of aesthetics to the table. They can capture the essence of a story or brand through their visuals, ensuring that the images complement the text seamlessly. They understand how to manipulate lighting, angles, and composition to create stunning and emotionally resonant visuals that engage readers.
The Collaborative Future of Content Creation
While AI-generated articles are a valuable tool for content creators, it’s important to remember that they are not a replacement for the skills and expertise of human graphic designers and photographers. So, as AI continues to advance and take on more tasks in the world of content creation, graphic designers and photographers can rest assured that their jobs are safe. While AI can assist in generating text, it still has a long way to go before it can replicate the depth of creativity and artistry that humans bring to the visual aspect of content. As we navigate this new era of AI-generated content, it’s clear that human creativity remains an indispensable asset in the world of marketing and storytelling.

author: TRIXIT s.r.o.




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