What is an Eye Tracker?

Martin Průcha, 15. 11. 2023

What is an Eye Tracker?

An eye tracker is a tool that monitors the movements and fixations of a user’s eyes, enabling the analysis of where the user looks, how long they focus on specific areas, and the sequence of their observations. In the context of websites and applications, this provides valuable insights into how users perceive and interact with your interface. Enhancing the user interface is consistently a top priority, whether for apps, websites, or games, as creating an intuitive and enjoyable experience is crucial for success.

How to Use an Eye Tracker for Optimization:

  1. Identifying the “Hotspot”: Eye tracking helps identify the areas on your page or app that users look at most frequently. These areas should be optimized for optimal performance and contain key information for analysis, equivalent to classical heatmaps used in mouse tracking.

Identify Areas of Interest: If users consistently focus on a specific area and encounter navigation challenges, adjustments can be made to enhance readability.

Testing Advertising: By tracking users’ gaze, you can optimize ad placement for maximum visibility and effectiveness, incorporating A/B testing for further refinement.

Form Optimization: If users lose interest or become confused at certain form sections, those areas can be reworked for ease of use. Identifying problematic parts of forms can guide improvements, and breaking forms into multiple steps may be beneficial.

How Eye Tracking Helps in VR:

In virtual reality (VR), eye tracking enhances the interactive experience:

  1. Foveated Rendering: Utilizing eye tracking, this technology optimizes performance by providing the highest graphical quality where the user is looking (center of the field of view), while peripherals have lower resolution, improving overall VR system efficiency.

Gaze-based Interaction: Users can control menus or objects by simply looking at them, enabling activation of virtual items, selection of menu options, or interaction with in-game characters.

Social Interactions: In VR environments with multiple users, eye tracking refines avatars by incorporating eye movements and blinks, adding realism to virtual interactions.

User Behavior Analysis: Developers can use eye tracking data to understand how users explore virtual environments, enhancing their understanding of player perception and interaction within the game.

Advantages and Limitations of Eye Tracking:


  • Direct Insight into User Behavior: Provides precise information on how users interact with the interface, eliminating the need for assumptions.



  • Cost: Advanced eye tracking systems can be costly.

Data Interpretation: Although data is accessible, interpretation requires expertise.

While eye tracking has some limitations, it remains a powerful tool for web and app developers and analysts, offering deep insights into user behavior and preferences. As technology evolves, it is poised to become one of the most powerful and indispensable tools for businesses in the future.

Author: TRIXIT

picture: https://chat.openai.com

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